Parametric study workflow#

This example shows how you can use the parametric study workflow to analyze a static mixer.

from pathlib import Path

import ansys.fluent.core as pyfluent
from ansys.fluent.core import examples

from ansys.fluent.parametric import ParametricProject, ParametricStudy

# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_path = '_static/DP_table.png'

Perform required imports#

Perform the required imports.

Launch Fluent#

Launch Fluent in 3D and double precision.

solver_session = pyfluent.launch_fluent(
    precision="double", processor_count=2, mode="solver"

Download and read files#

Download the files for this example and read the case for the static mixer.

import_filename = examples.download_file(
    "Static_Mixer_main.cas.h5", "pyfluent/static_mixer"
Fast-loading "/ansys_inc/v231/fluent/fluent23.1.0/addons/afd/lib/hdfio.bin"

Reading from d211560a7e53:"/home/ansys/.local/share/ansys_fluent_core/examples/Static_Mixer_main.cas.h5" in NODE0 mode ...
  Reading mesh ...
       22771 cells,     1 cell zone  ...
          22771 polyhedra cells,  zone id: 97
      119140 faces,     5 face zones ...
         114959 polygonal interior faces,  zone id: 96
           3873 polygonal wall faces,  zone id: 20
            104 polygonal pressure-outlet faces,  zone id: 19
            103 polygonal velocity-inlet faces,  zone id: 18
            101 polygonal velocity-inlet faces,  zone id: 17
       82247 nodes,     1 node zone  ...
Warning: reading 4 partition grid onto 2 compute node machine.
         Combining every 2 partitions.

        distributing mesh
        bandwidth reduction using Reverse Cuthill-McKee: 11383/862 = 13.2053

Set iterations#

Set the number of iterations to 100."100")

Create input parameters#

Enable parameter creation in the TUI and then create input parameters for the velocity and temperatures of inlets 1 and 2: Parameter values: Inlet1: velocity (inlet1_vel) 0.5 m/s and temperature (inlet1_temp) at 300 K Inlet2: velocity (inlet2_vel) 0.5 m/s and temperature (inlet2_temp) at 350 K"yes")
    "inlet1", (), "vmag", "yes", "inlet1_vel", 1, "quit"
    "inlet1", (), "temperature", "yes", "inlet1_temp", 300, "quit"
    "inlet2", (), "vmag", "yes", "no", "inlet2_vel", 1, "quit"
    "inlet2", (), "temperature", "yes", "no", "inlet2_temp", 350, "quit"

Create output parameters#

Create output parameters named outlet-temp-avg and outlet-vel-avg using report definitions.

solver_session.solution.report_definitions.surface["outlet-temp-avg"] = {}
].report_type = "surface-areaavg"
].field = "temperature"
solver_session.solution.report_definitions.surface["outlet-temp-avg"].surface_names = [

solver_session.solution.report_definitions.surface["outlet-vel-avg"] = {}
].report_type = "surface-areaavg"
].field = "velocity-magnitude"
solver_session.solution.report_definitions.surface["outlet-vel-avg"].surface_names = [
    "report-definition", "outlet-temp-avg"
    "report-definition", "outlet-vel-avg"

Enable convergence condition check#

Enable the convergence condition check."0")

Write case#

Write the case with all settings in place.

case_path = str(Path(pyfluent.EXAMPLES_PATH) / "Static_Mixer_Parameters.cas.h5")
Writing to d211560a7e53:"/home/ansys/.local/share/ansys_fluent_core/examples/Static_Mixer_Parameters.cas.h5" in NODE0 mode and compression level 1 ...
Grouping cells for Laplace smoothing ...
       22771 cells,     1 zone  ...
      119140 faces,     5 zones ...
       82247 nodes,     1 zone  ...

Initialize parametric study#

Initialize a parametric design point study from a Fluent session.

study_1 = ParametricStudy(solver_session.parametric_studies).initialize()
Writing to d211560a7e53:"/project-wqqp7u9_.cffdb/Static_Mixer_main-Solve/Static_Mixer_main.cas.h5" in NODE0 mode and compression level 1 ...
Grouping cells for Laplace smoothing ...
       22771 cells,     1 zone  ...
      119140 faces,     5 zones ...
       82247 nodes,     1 zone  ...

Registering a case "/project-wqqp7u9_.cffdb/Static_Mixer_main-Solve/Static_Mixer_main.cas.h5" with simulation "Static_Mixer_main-Solve"...

Access and modify input parameters#

Access and modify the input parameters of the base design point.

input_parameters_update = study_1.design_points["Base DP"].input_parameters
input_parameters_update["inlet1_vel"] = 0.5
study_1.design_points["Base DP"].input_parameters = input_parameters_update
(("inlet1_temp" . 300.) ("inlet1_vel" . 1.) ("inlet2_temp" . 350.) ("inlet2_vel" . 1.))
(("inlet1_temp" . 300.) ("inlet1_vel" . 1.) ("inlet2_temp" . 350.) ("inlet2_vel" . 1.))

Update current design point#

Update the current design point.

Opening input/output transcript to file "/project-wqqp7u9_.cffdb/Static_Mixer_main-Solve/Base DP/Static_Mixer_main.trn".

ID    Hostname      Core  O.S.      PID      Vendor
n0-1  d211560a7e53  2/8  Linux-64  684-685  Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8171M
host  d211560a7e53       Linux-64  448      Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8171M

MPI Option Selected: intel
Selected system interconnect: shared-memory

Writing to d211560a7e53:"/project-wqqp7u9_.cffdb/Static_Mixer_main-Solve/BaseCases/Static_Mixer_main.cas.h5" in NODE0 mode and compression level 1 ...
Grouping cells for Laplace smoothing ...
       22771 cells,     1 zone  ...
      119140 faces,     5 zones ...
       82247 nodes,     1 zone  ...

  iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity  z-velocity      energy           k       omega     time/iter

 Reversed flow on 11 faces (20.3% area) of pressure-outlet 19.
     1  1.0000e+00  0.0000e+00  1.1458e-05  0.0000e+00  2.3461e-04  2.1362e-01  3.4779e+03  0:01:02   99
     2  1.0000e+00  3.3218e-02  8.9926e-02  6.6465e-02  2.6646e-04  9.1495e-01  4.8048e-01  0:00:57   98
     3  7.7357e-01  1.0759e-02  2.8622e-02  2.1529e-02  2.3543e-04  8.7582e-01  4.6383e-01  0:00:53   97
     4  5.8246e-01  5.7588e-03  1.5266e-02  9.7469e-03  2.3574e-04  8.2536e-01  4.3162e-01  0:00:49   96
     5  4.2764e-01  3.9986e-03  1.0096e-02  5.9091e-03  2.4402e-04  7.6095e-01  3.7229e-01  0:00:46   95
     6  3.1938e-01  3.2283e-03  7.4715e-03  3.8857e-03  2.3978e-04  6.6095e-01  2.8028e-01  0:00:43   94
     7  2.5608e-01  2.7466e-03  5.8022e-03  2.7437e-03  2.2222e-04  4.6276e-01  1.7269e-01  0:00:41   93
     8  2.2307e-01  2.3640e-03  4.6027e-03  2.0420e-03  1.9467e-04  2.1856e-01  8.6720e-02  0:00:40   92
     9  1.9881e-01  2.0189e-03  3.6961e-03  1.6190e-03  1.6696e-04  9.0514e-02  3.7538e-02  0:00:39   91
    10  1.7827e-01  1.7246e-03  3.0017e-03  1.3528e-03  1.4149e-04  4.4551e-02  1.5015e-02  0:00:38   90
    11  1.5896e-01  1.4798e-03  2.4389e-03  1.0878e-03  1.1821e-04  2.5687e-02  5.8461e-03  0:00:36   89

  iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity  z-velocity      energy           k       omega     time/iter
    12  1.4127e-01  1.2831e-03  2.0023e-03  9.0516e-04  9.7798e-05  1.5457e-02  2.3237e-03  0:00:35   88
    13  1.2511e-01  1.1169e-03  1.6601e-03  7.7041e-04  8.0261e-05  9.8535e-03  9.8965e-04  0:00:34   87
    14  1.0999e-01  9.6720e-04  1.3849e-03  6.5875e-04  6.5953e-05  6.4914e-03  4.7227e-04  0:00:33   86
    15  9.5791e-02  8.3183e-04  1.1634e-03  5.5876e-04  5.4430e-05  4.5050e-03  2.6055e-04  0:00:33   85
    16  8.2848e-02  7.1231e-04  9.8349e-04  4.7569e-04  4.5252e-05  3.2598e-03  1.6494e-04  0:00:32   84
    17  7.1217e-02  6.0783e-04  8.3729e-04  4.0462e-04  3.7853e-05  2.4016e-03  1.1600e-04  0:00:32   83
    18  6.0863e-02  5.1705e-04  7.1617e-04  3.4198e-04  3.1862e-05  1.7684e-03  8.7237e-05  0:00:31   82
    19  5.1713e-02  4.3954e-04  6.1424e-04  2.8855e-04  2.7124e-05  1.2918e-03  6.8242e-05  0:00:30   81
    20  4.3933e-02  3.7491e-04  5.2799e-04  2.4330e-04  2.3306e-05  9.3811e-04  5.4389e-05  0:00:30   80
    21  3.7374e-02  3.2104e-04  4.5428e-04  2.0524e-04  2.0159e-05  6.8445e-04  4.3929e-05  0:00:29   79
    22  3.1820e-02  2.7616e-04  3.9174e-04  1.7316e-04  1.7581e-05  5.0375e-04  3.6138e-05  0:00:29   78

  iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity  z-velocity      energy           k       omega     time/iter
    23  2.7121e-02  2.3884e-04  3.3786e-04  1.4637e-04  1.5430e-05  3.7549e-04  3.0041e-05  0:00:29   77
    24  2.3155e-02  2.0736e-04  2.9160e-04  1.2421e-04  1.3594e-05  2.8596e-04  2.5430e-05  0:00:29   76
    25  1.9824e-02  1.8066e-04  2.5204e-04  1.0587e-04  1.2002e-05  2.2241e-04  2.1838e-05  0:00:28   75
    26  1.7057e-02  1.5795e-04  2.1813e-04  9.0637e-05  1.0815e-05  1.7683e-04  1.9019e-05  0:00:28   74
    27  1.4764e-02  1.3867e-04  1.8948e-04  7.8061e-05  9.5148e-06  1.4283e-04  1.6816e-05  0:00:27   73
    28  1.2847e-02  1.2208e-04  1.6534e-04  6.7690e-05  8.3828e-06  1.1626e-04  1.4799e-05  0:00:27   72
    29  1.1255e-02  1.0759e-04  1.4491e-04  5.8806e-05  7.3741e-06  9.5692e-05  1.3378e-05  0:00:26   71
    30  9.9189e-03  9.5314e-05  1.2802e-04  5.1815e-05  6.4963e-06  7.9401e-05  1.2007e-05  0:00:26   70
    31  8.7870e-03  8.4567e-05  1.1375e-04  4.5452e-05  5.7214e-06  6.6560e-05  1.0816e-05  0:00:25   69
    32  7.8278e-03  7.5331e-05  1.0159e-04  4.0251e-05  5.0322e-06  5.6358e-05  9.8522e-06  0:00:25   68
    33  7.0130e-03  6.7340e-05  9.1204e-05  3.5880e-05  4.4234e-06  4.8250e-05  8.9386e-06  0:00:25   67

  iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity  z-velocity      energy           k       omega     time/iter
    34  6.3018e-03  6.0333e-05  8.2192e-05  3.1990e-05  3.8805e-06  4.1718e-05  8.1198e-06  0:00:24   66
    35  5.6809e-03  5.4181e-05  7.4240e-05  2.8632e-05  3.3972e-06  3.6479e-05  7.4418e-06  0:00:24   65
    36  5.1295e-03  4.8816e-05  6.7208e-05  2.5751e-05  2.9746e-06  3.2089e-05  6.7576e-06  0:00:29   64
    37  4.6383e-03  4.4002e-05  6.0873e-05  2.3112e-05  2.6025e-06  2.8455e-05  6.1598e-06  0:00:28   63
    38  4.2006e-03  3.9762e-05  5.5165e-05  2.0835e-05  2.2776e-06  2.5360e-05  5.6306e-06  0:00:26   62
    39  3.8038e-03  3.5986e-05  5.0003e-05  1.8827e-05  1.9940e-06  2.2689e-05  5.1211e-06  0:00:25   61
    40  3.4438e-03  3.2596e-05  4.5301e-05  1.7006e-05  1.7462e-06  2.0345e-05  4.6284e-06  0:00:24   60
    41  3.1169e-03  2.9533e-05  4.1010e-05  1.5340e-05  1.5288e-06  1.8264e-05  4.1892e-06  0:00:23   59
    42  2.8210e-03  2.6772e-05  3.7111e-05  1.3859e-05  1.3391e-06  1.6387e-05  3.7657e-06  0:00:23   58
    43  2.5538e-03  2.4254e-05  3.3550e-05  1.2488e-05  1.1728e-06  1.4696e-05  3.3805e-06  0:00:22   57
    44  2.3112e-03  2.1962e-05  3.0301e-05  1.1251e-05  1.0276e-06  1.3176e-05  3.0326e-06  0:00:21   56

  iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity  z-velocity      energy           k       omega     time/iter
    45  2.0901e-03  1.9876e-05  2.7349e-05  1.0126e-05  9.0125e-07  1.1798e-05  2.7117e-06  0:00:21   55
    46  1.8897e-03  1.7969e-05  2.4664e-05  9.1110e-06  7.9034e-07  1.0555e-05  2.4357e-06  0:00:20   54
    47  1.7074e-03  1.6244e-05  2.2235e-05  8.2007e-06  6.9386e-07  9.4455e-06  2.1800e-06  0:00:20   53
    48  1.5417e-03  1.4670e-05  2.0033e-05  7.3777e-06  6.0914e-07  8.4432e-06  1.9586e-06  0:00:20   52
    49  1.3915e-03  1.3246e-05  1.8041e-05  6.6362e-06  5.3629e-07  7.5360e-06  1.7471e-06  0:00:19   51
    50  1.2559e-03  1.1943e-05  1.6237e-05  5.9694e-06  4.7193e-07  6.7270e-06  1.5757e-06  0:00:19   50
    51  1.1326e-03  1.0776e-05  1.4614e-05  5.3652e-06  4.1642e-07  6.0014e-06  1.4138e-06  0:00:18   49
    52  1.0208e-03  9.7131e-06  1.3150e-05  4.8225e-06  3.6796e-07  5.3562e-06  1.2719e-06  0:00:18   48
    53  9.1979e-04  8.7577e-06  1.1835e-05  4.3366e-06  3.2602e-07  4.7804e-06  1.1415e-06  0:00:19   47
!   53 solution is converged
Connecting To Server
Managing Previous Report Data
Adding Data
Performance profile written to /tmp/_d211560a7e53_268/run-information.txt
Performance profile written to /tmp/_d211560a7e53_268/run-information.txt
Adding Plots
Adding Images
Report Finished

Writing to d211560a7e53:"/project-wqqp7u9_.cffdb/Static_Mixer_main-Solve/Base DP/Static_Mixer_main.cas.h5" in NODE0 mode and compression level 1 ...
Grouping cells for Laplace smoothing ...
       22771 cells,     1 zone  ...
      119140 faces,     5 zones ...
       82247 nodes,     1 zone  ...

Writing to d211560a7e53:"/project-wqqp7u9_.cffdb/Static_Mixer_main-Solve/Base DP/Static_Mixer_main.dat.h5" in NODE0 mode and compression level 1 ...
  Writing results.

Transcript closed.

Add design point#

Add a design point.

design_point_1 = study_1.add_design_point()
design_point_1_input_parameters = study_1.design_points["DP1"].input_parameters
design_point_1_input_parameters["inlet1_temp"] = 500
design_point_1_input_parameters["inlet1_vel"] = 1
design_point_1_input_parameters["inlet2_vel"] = 1
study_1.design_points["DP1"].input_parameters = design_point_1_input_parameters
(("inlet1_temp" . 300.) ("inlet1_vel" . 0.5) ("inlet2_temp" . 350.) ("inlet2_vel" . 1.))
(("inlet1_temp" . 300.) ("inlet1_vel" . 0.5) ("inlet2_temp" . 350.) ("inlet2_vel" . 1.))

Duplicate design point#

Duplicate design point 1 to create design point 2.

design_point_2 = study_1.duplicate_design_point(design_point_1)

Update all design points#

Update all design points for study 1.

Opening input/output transcript to file "/project-wqqp7u9_.cffdb/Static_Mixer_main-Solve/DP1/Static_Mixer_main.trn".

       Clearing partially read grid.

Reading from d211560a7e53:"/project-wqqp7u9_.cffdb/Static_Mixer_main-Solve/BaseCases/Static_Mixer_main.cas.h5" in NODE0 mode ...
  Reading mesh ...
       22771 cells,     1 cell zone  ...
          22771 polyhedra cells,  zone id: 97
      119140 faces,     5 face zones ...
         114959 polygonal interior faces,  zone id: 96
           3873 polygonal wall faces,  zone id: 20
            104 polygonal pressure-outlet faces,  zone id: 19
            103 polygonal velocity-inlet faces,  zone id: 18
            101 polygonal velocity-inlet faces,  zone id: 17
       82247 nodes,     1 node zone  ...

        distributing mesh
        bandwidth reduction using Reverse Cuthill-McKee: 11383/862 = 13.2053

  iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity  z-velocity      energy           k       omega     time/iter

 Reversed flow on 11 faces (20.3% area) of pressure-outlet 19.
     1  1.0000e+00  1.1604e-07  1.5594e-05  1.0210e-07  1.1640e-03  2.9445e-01  3.4440e+03  0:00:59   99
     2  1.0000e+00  2.9591e-02  8.1884e-02  6.0536e-02  9.3895e-04  9.0403e-01  4.7978e-01  0:00:54   98
     3  7.8298e-01  1.0288e-02  2.8317e-02  2.0328e-02  7.6677e-04  8.5985e-01  4.6253e-01  0:00:51   97
     4  5.9709e-01  5.5247e-03  1.5297e-02  9.3098e-03  7.8042e-04  8.0504e-01  4.2981e-01  0:00:47   96
     5  4.4913e-01  4.0015e-03  1.0483e-02  5.6545e-03  8.0272e-04  7.3505e-01  3.7030e-01  0:00:45   95
     6  3.4660e-01  3.3974e-03  7.7213e-03  3.8931e-03  7.5985e-04  6.2465e-01  2.7887e-01  0:00:43   94
     7  2.9297e-01  2.9579e-03  5.9262e-03  2.8959e-03  6.7902e-04  4.1622e-01  1.7246e-01  0:00:41   93
     8  2.5763e-01  2.5403e-03  4.6438e-03  2.2532e-03  5.8707e-04  1.9014e-01  8.7145e-02  0:00:39   92
     9  2.3035e-01  2.1725e-03  3.7317e-03  1.7815e-03  5.0560e-04  8.1768e-02  3.8080e-02  0:00:38   91
    10  2.0740e-01  1.8744e-03  3.0879e-03  1.4739e-03  4.3260e-04  4.2399e-02  1.5517e-02  0:00:36   90
    11  1.8807e-01  1.6381e-03  2.5944e-03  1.2119e-03  3.6793e-04  2.5299e-02  6.2351e-03  0:00:35   89

  iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity  z-velocity      energy           k       omega     time/iter
    12  1.7057e-01  1.4395e-03  2.1991e-03  1.0184e-03  3.1203e-04  1.5735e-02  2.6105e-03  0:00:35   88
    13  1.5375e-01  1.2682e-03  1.8815e-03  8.7979e-04  2.6542e-04  1.0189e-02  1.2059e-03  0:00:34   87
    14  1.3738e-01  1.1153e-03  1.6209e-03  7.6853e-04  2.2549e-04  6.8376e-03  6.3417e-04  0:00:33   86
    15  1.2128e-01  9.7849e-04  1.4071e-03  6.7318e-04  1.9153e-04  4.8118e-03  3.8352e-04  0:00:32   85
    16  1.0601e-01  8.5970e-04  1.2331e-03  5.8933e-04  1.6348e-04  3.5556e-03  2.6071e-04  0:00:31   84
    17  9.2573e-02  7.5636e-04  1.0869e-03  5.1091e-04  1.4029e-04  2.6940e-03  1.9167e-04  0:00:31   83
    18  8.0798e-02  6.6614e-04  9.6269e-04  4.4133e-04  1.2104e-04  2.0748e-03  1.4890e-04  0:00:30   82
    19  7.0447e-02  5.8989e-04  8.5548e-04  3.7993e-04  1.0522e-04  1.6091e-03  1.1999e-04  0:00:30   81
    20  6.1550e-02  5.2585e-04  7.6308e-04  3.2679e-04  9.2135e-05  1.2470e-03  9.9777e-05  0:00:30   80
    21  5.4119e-02  4.7084e-04  6.8219e-04  2.8342e-04  8.1760e-05  9.7274e-04  8.4825e-05  0:00:30   79
    22  4.8027e-02  4.2320e-04  6.1121e-04  2.4863e-04  7.3545e-05  7.7076e-04  7.4314e-05  0:00:29   78

  iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity  z-velocity      energy           k       omega     time/iter
    23  4.3038e-02  3.8324e-04  5.4952e-04  2.1994e-04  6.6854e-05  6.2513e-04  6.7121e-05  0:00:29   77
    24  3.8910e-02  3.4916e-04  4.9641e-04  1.9596e-04  6.1995e-05  5.2369e-04  6.2089e-05  0:00:28   76
    25  3.5435e-02  3.1938e-04  4.5153e-04  1.7618e-04  5.7562e-05  4.5171e-04  5.7949e-05  0:00:28   75
    26  3.2512e-02  2.9295e-04  4.1370e-04  1.5931e-04  5.2335e-05  4.0004e-04  5.4531e-05  0:00:27   74
    27  3.0033e-02  2.6999e-04  3.8192e-04  1.4473e-04  4.8201e-05  3.6050e-04  5.1571e-05  0:00:26   73
    28  2.7862e-02  2.5001e-04  3.5507e-04  1.3213e-04  4.4159e-05  3.2883e-04  4.8955e-05  0:00:26   72
    29  2.6002e-02  2.3252e-04  3.3210e-04  1.2128e-04  3.9507e-05  3.0172e-04  4.6534e-05  0:00:26   71
    30  2.4347e-02  2.1711e-04  3.1161e-04  1.1201e-04  3.5352e-05  2.7794e-04  4.4130e-05  0:00:26   70
    31  2.2882e-02  2.0348e-04  2.9316e-04  1.0416e-04  3.1626e-05  2.5647e-04  4.1911e-05  0:00:26   69
    32  2.1554e-02  1.9142e-04  2.7590e-04  9.7475e-05  2.8329e-05  2.3704e-04  3.9681e-05  0:00:25   68
    33  2.0273e-02  1.8033e-04  2.5974e-04  9.0696e-05  2.5901e-05  2.1916e-04  3.7492e-05  0:00:25   67

  iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity  z-velocity      energy           k       omega     time/iter
    34  1.9077e-02  1.7007e-04  2.4440e-04  8.4537e-05  2.3193e-05  2.0246e-04  3.5221e-05  0:00:24   66
    35  1.7949e-02  1.6032e-04  2.2970e-04  7.9250e-05  2.1198e-05  1.8681e-04  3.3172e-05  0:00:24   65
    36  1.6877e-02  1.5111e-04  2.1544e-04  7.4584e-05  1.8989e-05  1.7207e-04  3.0930e-05  0:00:23   64
    37  1.5830e-02  1.4211e-04  2.0185e-04  7.0273e-05  1.7415e-05  1.5827e-04  2.8800e-05  0:00:23   63
    38  1.4836e-02  1.3353e-04  1.8869e-04  6.6223e-05  1.5918e-05  1.4539e-04  2.6735e-05  0:00:23   62
    39  1.3895e-02  1.2534e-04  1.7610e-04  6.2420e-05  1.4509e-05  1.3338e-04  2.4791e-05  0:00:22   61
    40  1.2992e-02  1.1739e-04  1.6407e-04  5.8770e-05  1.3217e-05  1.2219e-04  2.2940e-05  0:00:22   60
    41  1.2127e-02  1.0974e-04  1.5264e-04  5.5208e-05  1.2032e-05  1.1176e-04  2.1225e-05  0:00:21   59
    42  1.1317e-02  1.0248e-04  1.4178e-04  5.1721e-05  1.0973e-05  1.0220e-04  1.9618e-05  0:00:21   58
    43  1.0554e-02  9.5559e-05  1.3156e-04  4.8351e-05  1.0029e-05  9.3401e-05  1.8105e-05  0:00:20   57
    44  9.8309e-03  8.9001e-05  1.2196e-04  4.5087e-05  9.1952e-06  8.5387e-05  1.6686e-05  0:00:20   56

  iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity  z-velocity      energy           k       omega     time/iter
    45  9.1475e-03  8.2785e-05  1.1301e-04  4.1987e-05  8.4495e-06  7.8224e-05  1.5417e-05  0:00:20   55
    46  8.5144e-03  7.7017e-05  1.0475e-04  3.9046e-05  7.7767e-06  7.1825e-05  1.4273e-05  0:00:19   54
    47  7.9221e-03  7.1659e-05  9.7115e-05  3.6309e-05  7.1710e-06  6.6014e-05  1.3257e-05  0:00:19   53
    48  7.3716e-03  6.6690e-05  9.0038e-05  3.3764e-05  6.6476e-06  6.0750e-05  1.2247e-05  0:00:19   52
    49  6.8608e-03  6.2054e-05  8.3561e-05  3.1368e-05  6.0689e-06  5.6053e-05  1.1356e-05  0:00:19   51
    50  6.3889e-03  5.7774e-05  7.7642e-05  2.9177e-05  5.6631e-06  5.1842e-05  1.0576e-05  0:00:18   50
    51  5.9523e-03  5.3811e-05  7.2205e-05  2.7171e-05  5.1958e-06  4.8054e-05  9.8454e-06  0:00:18   49
    52  5.5507e-03  5.0132e-05  6.7225e-05  2.5312e-05  4.8678e-06  4.4658e-05  9.1751e-06  0:00:17   48
    53  5.1785e-03  4.6729e-05  6.2665e-05  2.3603e-05  4.5590e-06  4.1587e-05  8.5687e-06  0:00:17   47
    54  4.8348e-03  4.3590e-05  5.8479e-05  2.2032e-05  4.2610e-06  3.8787e-05  7.9700e-06  0:00:17   46
    55  4.5179e-03  4.0656e-05  5.4628e-05  2.0576e-05  3.9783e-06  3.6260e-05  7.4587e-06  0:00:16   45

  iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity  z-velocity      energy           k       omega     time/iter
    56  4.2241e-03  3.7986e-05  5.1057e-05  1.9228e-05  3.7116e-06  3.3909e-05  6.9767e-06  0:00:16   44
    57  3.9516e-03  3.5478e-05  4.7738e-05  1.7982e-05  3.4567e-06  3.1752e-05  6.5540e-06  0:00:16   43
    58  3.6975e-03  3.3183e-05  4.4639e-05  1.6830e-05  3.2191e-06  2.9728e-05  6.1312e-06  0:00:15   42
    59  3.4596e-03  3.1013e-05  4.1751e-05  1.5740e-05  3.0005e-06  2.7855e-05  5.7083e-06  0:00:15   41
    60  3.2380e-03  2.8985e-05  3.9058e-05  1.4724e-05  2.7928e-06  2.6107e-05  5.3390e-06  0:00:14   40
    61  3.0300e-03  2.7108e-05  3.6532e-05  1.3784e-05  2.5994e-06  2.4461e-05  4.9958e-06  0:00:14   39
    62  2.8362e-03  2.5346e-05  3.4160e-05  1.2905e-05  2.4175e-06  2.2913e-05  4.6817e-06  0:00:14   38
    63  2.6543e-03  2.3707e-05  3.1928e-05  1.2085e-05  2.2515e-06  2.1446e-05  4.3520e-06  0:00:13   37
    64  2.4833e-03  2.2145e-05  2.9845e-05  1.1308e-05  2.0939e-06  2.0087e-05  4.0917e-06  0:00:13   36
    65  2.3223e-03  2.0728e-05  2.7886e-05  1.0591e-05  1.9490e-06  1.8778e-05  3.8140e-06  0:00:13   35
    66  2.1707e-03  1.9355e-05  2.6048e-05  9.8991e-06  1.8131e-06  1.7561e-05  3.5560e-06  0:00:12   34

  iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity  z-velocity      energy           k       omega     time/iter
    67  2.0286e-03  1.8090e-05  2.4327e-05  9.2551e-06  1.6871e-06  1.6409e-05  3.3233e-06  0:00:12   33
    68  1.8954e-03  1.6901e-05  2.2714e-05  8.6547e-06  1.5732e-06  1.5318e-05  3.0773e-06  0:00:13   32
    69  1.7712e-03  1.5763e-05  2.1207e-05  8.0925e-06  1.4642e-06  1.4319e-05  2.8782e-06  0:00:12   31
    70  1.6549e-03  1.4733e-05  1.9792e-05  7.5561e-06  1.3637e-06  1.3360e-05  2.6847e-06  0:00:11   30
    71  1.5453e-03  1.3741e-05  1.8466e-05  7.0616e-06  1.2699e-06  1.2470e-05  2.5045e-06  0:00:11   29
    72  1.4430e-03  1.2823e-05  1.7226e-05  6.5954e-06  1.1827e-06  1.1633e-05  2.3348e-06  0:00:10   28
    73  1.3472e-03  1.1961e-05  1.6067e-05  6.1609e-06  1.1015e-06  1.0850e-05  2.1768e-06  0:00:10   27
    74  1.2575e-03  1.1159e-05  1.4984e-05  5.7534e-06  1.0259e-06  1.0118e-05  2.0292e-06  0:00:09   26
    75  1.1736e-03  1.0409e-05  1.3972e-05  5.3722e-06  9.5554e-07  9.4330e-06  1.8919e-06  0:00:09   25
    76  1.0952e-03  9.7089e-06  1.3028e-05  5.0149e-06  8.8987e-07  8.7938e-06  1.7639e-06  0:00:09   24
    77  1.0218e-03  9.0544e-06  1.2147e-05  4.6804e-06  8.2825e-07  8.1995e-06  1.6498e-06  0:00:08   23

  iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity  z-velocity      energy           k       omega     time/iter
    78  9.5302e-04  8.4484e-06  1.1325e-05  4.3679e-06  7.7135e-07  7.6405e-06  1.5343e-06  0:00:08   22
!   78 solution is converged
Connecting To Server
Managing Previous Report Data
Adding Data
Performance profile written to /tmp/_d211560a7e53_268/run-information.txt
Performance profile written to /tmp/_d211560a7e53_268/run-information.txt
Adding Plots
Adding Images
Report Finished

Transcript closed.

Opening input/output transcript to file "/project-wqqp7u9_.cffdb/Static_Mixer_main-Solve/DP2/Static_Mixer_main.trn".

       Clearing partially read grid.

Reading from d211560a7e53:"/project-wqqp7u9_.cffdb/Static_Mixer_main-Solve/BaseCases/Static_Mixer_main.cas.h5" in NODE0 mode ...
  Reading mesh ...
       22771 cells,     1 cell zone  ...
          22771 polyhedra cells,  zone id: 97
      119140 faces,     5 face zones ...
         114959 polygonal interior faces,  zone id: 96
           3873 polygonal wall faces,  zone id: 20
            104 polygonal pressure-outlet faces,  zone id: 19
            103 polygonal velocity-inlet faces,  zone id: 18
            101 polygonal velocity-inlet faces,  zone id: 17
       82247 nodes,     1 node zone  ...

        distributing mesh
        bandwidth reduction using Reverse Cuthill-McKee: 11383/862 = 13.2053

  iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity  z-velocity      energy           k       omega     time/iter

 Reversed flow on 11 faces (20.3% area) of pressure-outlet 19.
     1  1.0000e+00  1.1604e-07  1.5594e-05  1.0210e-07  1.1640e-03  2.9445e-01  3.4440e+03  0:01:02   99
     2  1.0000e+00  2.9591e-02  8.1884e-02  6.0536e-02  9.3895e-04  9.0403e-01  4.7978e-01  0:00:57   98
     3  7.8298e-01  1.0288e-02  2.8317e-02  2.0328e-02  7.6677e-04  8.5985e-01  4.6253e-01  0:00:53   97
     4  5.9709e-01  5.5247e-03  1.5297e-02  9.3098e-03  7.8042e-04  8.0504e-01  4.2981e-01  0:00:49   96
     5  4.4913e-01  4.0015e-03  1.0483e-02  5.6545e-03  8.0272e-04  7.3505e-01  3.7030e-01  0:00:45   95
     6  3.4660e-01  3.3974e-03  7.7213e-03  3.8931e-03  7.5985e-04  6.2465e-01  2.7887e-01  0:00:43   94
     7  2.9297e-01  2.9579e-03  5.9262e-03  2.8959e-03  6.7902e-04  4.1622e-01  1.7246e-01  0:00:41   93
     8  2.5763e-01  2.5403e-03  4.6438e-03  2.2532e-03  5.8707e-04  1.9014e-01  8.7145e-02  0:00:40   92
     9  2.3035e-01  2.1725e-03  3.7317e-03  1.7815e-03  5.0560e-04  8.1768e-02  3.8080e-02  0:00:39   91
    10  2.0740e-01  1.8744e-03  3.0879e-03  1.4739e-03  4.3260e-04  4.2399e-02  1.5517e-02  0:00:37   90
    11  1.8807e-01  1.6381e-03  2.5944e-03  1.2119e-03  3.6793e-04  2.5299e-02  6.2351e-03  0:00:36   89

  iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity  z-velocity      energy           k       omega     time/iter
    12  1.7057e-01  1.4395e-03  2.1991e-03  1.0184e-03  3.1203e-04  1.5735e-02  2.6105e-03  0:00:36   88
    13  1.5375e-01  1.2682e-03  1.8815e-03  8.7979e-04  2.6542e-04  1.0189e-02  1.2059e-03  0:00:35   87
    14  1.3738e-01  1.1153e-03  1.6209e-03  7.6853e-04  2.2549e-04  6.8376e-03  6.3417e-04  0:00:34   86
    15  1.2128e-01  9.7849e-04  1.4071e-03  6.7318e-04  1.9153e-04  4.8118e-03  3.8352e-04  0:00:33   85
    16  1.0601e-01  8.5970e-04  1.2331e-03  5.8933e-04  1.6348e-04  3.5556e-03  2.6071e-04  0:00:33   84
    17  9.2573e-02  7.5636e-04  1.0869e-03  5.1091e-04  1.4029e-04  2.6940e-03  1.9167e-04  0:00:32   83
    18  8.0798e-02  6.6614e-04  9.6269e-04  4.4133e-04  1.2104e-04  2.0748e-03  1.4890e-04  0:00:31   82
    19  7.0447e-02  5.8989e-04  8.5548e-04  3.7993e-04  1.0522e-04  1.6091e-03  1.1999e-04  0:00:31   81
    20  6.1550e-02  5.2585e-04  7.6308e-04  3.2679e-04  9.2135e-05  1.2470e-03  9.9777e-05  0:00:30   80
    21  5.4119e-02  4.7084e-04  6.8219e-04  2.8342e-04  8.1760e-05  9.7274e-04  8.4825e-05  0:00:30   79
    22  4.8027e-02  4.2320e-04  6.1121e-04  2.4863e-04  7.3545e-05  7.7076e-04  7.4314e-05  0:00:29   78

  iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity  z-velocity      energy           k       omega     time/iter
    23  4.3038e-02  3.8324e-04  5.4952e-04  2.1994e-04  6.6854e-05  6.2513e-04  6.7121e-05  0:00:29   77
    24  3.8910e-02  3.4916e-04  4.9641e-04  1.9596e-04  6.1995e-05  5.2369e-04  6.2089e-05  0:00:28   76
    25  3.5435e-02  3.1938e-04  4.5153e-04  1.7618e-04  5.7562e-05  4.5171e-04  5.7949e-05  0:00:28   75
    26  3.2512e-02  2.9295e-04  4.1370e-04  1.5931e-04  5.2335e-05  4.0004e-04  5.4531e-05  0:00:27   74
    27  3.0033e-02  2.6999e-04  3.8192e-04  1.4473e-04  4.8201e-05  3.6050e-04  5.1571e-05  0:00:27   73
    28  2.7862e-02  2.5001e-04  3.5507e-04  1.3213e-04  4.4159e-05  3.2883e-04  4.8955e-05  0:00:27   72
    29  2.6002e-02  2.3252e-04  3.3210e-04  1.2128e-04  3.9507e-05  3.0172e-04  4.6534e-05  0:00:26   71
    30  2.4347e-02  2.1711e-04  3.1161e-04  1.1201e-04  3.5352e-05  2.7794e-04  4.4130e-05  0:00:26   70
    31  2.2882e-02  2.0348e-04  2.9316e-04  1.0416e-04  3.1626e-05  2.5647e-04  4.1911e-05  0:00:26   69
    32  2.1554e-02  1.9142e-04  2.7590e-04  9.7475e-05  2.8329e-05  2.3704e-04  3.9681e-05  0:00:25   68
    33  2.0273e-02  1.8033e-04  2.5974e-04  9.0696e-05  2.5901e-05  2.1916e-04  3.7492e-05  0:00:25   67

  iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity  z-velocity      energy           k       omega     time/iter
    34  1.9077e-02  1.7007e-04  2.4440e-04  8.4537e-05  2.3193e-05  2.0246e-04  3.5221e-05  0:00:24   66
    35  1.7949e-02  1.6032e-04  2.2970e-04  7.9250e-05  2.1198e-05  1.8681e-04  3.3172e-05  0:00:24   65
    36  1.6877e-02  1.5111e-04  2.1544e-04  7.4584e-05  1.8989e-05  1.7207e-04  3.0930e-05  0:00:24   64
    37  1.5830e-02  1.4211e-04  2.0185e-04  7.0273e-05  1.7415e-05  1.5827e-04  2.8800e-05  0:00:23   63
    38  1.4836e-02  1.3353e-04  1.8869e-04  6.6223e-05  1.5918e-05  1.4539e-04  2.6735e-05  0:00:23   62
    39  1.3895e-02  1.2534e-04  1.7610e-04  6.2420e-05  1.4509e-05  1.3338e-04  2.4791e-05  0:00:22   61
    40  1.2992e-02  1.1739e-04  1.6407e-04  5.8770e-05  1.3217e-05  1.2219e-04  2.2940e-05  0:00:22   60
    41  1.2127e-02  1.0974e-04  1.5264e-04  5.5208e-05  1.2032e-05  1.1176e-04  2.1225e-05  0:00:21   59
    42  1.1317e-02  1.0248e-04  1.4178e-04  5.1721e-05  1.0973e-05  1.0220e-04  1.9618e-05  0:00:21   58
    43  1.0554e-02  9.5559e-05  1.3156e-04  4.8351e-05  1.0029e-05  9.3401e-05  1.8105e-05  0:00:21   57
    44  9.8309e-03  8.9001e-05  1.2196e-04  4.5087e-05  9.1952e-06  8.5387e-05  1.6686e-05  0:00:20   56

  iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity  z-velocity      energy           k       omega     time/iter
    45  9.1475e-03  8.2785e-05  1.1301e-04  4.1987e-05  8.4495e-06  7.8224e-05  1.5417e-05  0:00:20   55
    46  8.5144e-03  7.7017e-05  1.0475e-04  3.9046e-05  7.7767e-06  7.1825e-05  1.4273e-05  0:00:19   54
    47  7.9221e-03  7.1659e-05  9.7115e-05  3.6309e-05  7.1710e-06  6.6014e-05  1.3257e-05  0:00:19   53
    48  7.3716e-03  6.6690e-05  9.0038e-05  3.3764e-05  6.6476e-06  6.0750e-05  1.2247e-05  0:00:19   52
    49  6.8608e-03  6.2054e-05  8.3561e-05  3.1368e-05  6.0689e-06  5.6053e-05  1.1356e-05  0:00:18   51
    50  6.3889e-03  5.7774e-05  7.7642e-05  2.9177e-05  5.6631e-06  5.1842e-05  1.0576e-05  0:00:18   50
    51  5.9523e-03  5.3811e-05  7.2205e-05  2.7171e-05  5.1958e-06  4.8054e-05  9.8454e-06  0:00:18   49
    52  5.5507e-03  5.0132e-05  6.7225e-05  2.5312e-05  4.8678e-06  4.4658e-05  9.1751e-06  0:00:18   48
    53  5.1785e-03  4.6729e-05  6.2665e-05  2.3603e-05  4.5590e-06  4.1587e-05  8.5687e-06  0:00:17   47
    54  4.8348e-03  4.3590e-05  5.8479e-05  2.2032e-05  4.2610e-06  3.8787e-05  7.9700e-06  0:00:17   46
    55  4.5179e-03  4.0656e-05  5.4628e-05  2.0576e-05  3.9783e-06  3.6260e-05  7.4587e-06  0:00:17   45

  iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity  z-velocity      energy           k       omega     time/iter
    56  4.2241e-03  3.7986e-05  5.1057e-05  1.9228e-05  3.7116e-06  3.3909e-05  6.9767e-06  0:00:16   44
    57  3.9516e-03  3.5478e-05  4.7738e-05  1.7982e-05  3.4567e-06  3.1752e-05  6.5540e-06  0:00:16   43
    58  3.6975e-03  3.3183e-05  4.4639e-05  1.6830e-05  3.2191e-06  2.9728e-05  6.1312e-06  0:00:15   42
    59  3.4596e-03  3.1013e-05  4.1751e-05  1.5740e-05  3.0005e-06  2.7855e-05  5.7083e-06  0:00:15   41
    60  3.2380e-03  2.8985e-05  3.9058e-05  1.4724e-05  2.7928e-06  2.6107e-05  5.3390e-06  0:00:14   40
    61  3.0300e-03  2.7108e-05  3.6532e-05  1.3784e-05  2.5994e-06  2.4461e-05  4.9958e-06  0:00:14   39
    62  2.8362e-03  2.5346e-05  3.4160e-05  1.2905e-05  2.4175e-06  2.2913e-05  4.6817e-06  0:00:14   38
    63  2.6543e-03  2.3707e-05  3.1928e-05  1.2085e-05  2.2515e-06  2.1446e-05  4.3520e-06  0:00:13   37
    64  2.4833e-03  2.2145e-05  2.9845e-05  1.1308e-05  2.0939e-06  2.0087e-05  4.0917e-06  0:00:13   36
    65  2.3223e-03  2.0728e-05  2.7886e-05  1.0591e-05  1.9490e-06  1.8778e-05  3.8140e-06  0:00:13   35
    66  2.1707e-03  1.9355e-05  2.6048e-05  9.8991e-06  1.8131e-06  1.7561e-05  3.5560e-06  0:00:12   34

  iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity  z-velocity      energy           k       omega     time/iter
    67  2.0286e-03  1.8090e-05  2.4327e-05  9.2551e-06  1.6871e-06  1.6409e-05  3.3233e-06  0:00:12   33
    68  1.8954e-03  1.6901e-05  2.2714e-05  8.6547e-06  1.5732e-06  1.5318e-05  3.0773e-06  0:00:11   32
    69  1.7712e-03  1.5763e-05  2.1207e-05  8.0925e-06  1.4642e-06  1.4319e-05  2.8782e-06  0:00:11   31
    70  1.6549e-03  1.4733e-05  1.9792e-05  7.5561e-06  1.3637e-06  1.3360e-05  2.6847e-06  0:00:11   30
    71  1.5453e-03  1.3741e-05  1.8466e-05  7.0616e-06  1.2699e-06  1.2470e-05  2.5045e-06  0:00:10   29
    72  1.4430e-03  1.2823e-05  1.7226e-05  6.5954e-06  1.1827e-06  1.1633e-05  2.3348e-06  0:00:10   28
    73  1.3472e-03  1.1961e-05  1.6067e-05  6.1609e-06  1.1015e-06  1.0850e-05  2.1768e-06  0:00:10   27
    74  1.2575e-03  1.1159e-05  1.4984e-05  5.7534e-06  1.0259e-06  1.0118e-05  2.0292e-06  0:00:09   26
    75  1.1736e-03  1.0409e-05  1.3972e-05  5.3722e-06  9.5554e-07  9.4330e-06  1.8919e-06  0:00:09   25
    76  1.0952e-03  9.7089e-06  1.3028e-05  5.0149e-06  8.8987e-07  8.7938e-06  1.7639e-06  0:00:09   24
    77  1.0218e-03  9.0544e-06  1.2147e-05  4.6804e-06  8.2825e-07  8.1995e-06  1.6498e-06  0:00:08   23

  iter  continuity  x-velocity  y-velocity  z-velocity      energy           k       omega     time/iter
    78  9.5302e-04  8.4484e-06  1.1325e-05  4.3679e-06  7.7135e-07  7.6405e-06  1.5343e-06  0:00:08   22
!   78 solution is converged
Connecting To Server
Managing Previous Report Data
Adding Data
Performance profile written to /tmp/_d211560a7e53_268/run-information.txt
Performance profile written to /tmp/_d211560a7e53_268/run-information.txt
Adding Plots
Adding Images
Report Finished

Transcript closed.

Export design point table#

Export the design point table to a CSV file.

design_point_table = str(
    Path(pyfluent.EXAMPLES_PATH) / "design_point_table_study_1.csv"
Current working directory is "/project-wqqp7u9_.cffdb/Static_Mixer_main-Solve/DP2"
Design point table exported successfully to "/home/ansys/.local/share/ansys_fluent_core/examples/design_point_table_study_1.csv"

Delete design point#

Delete design point 1.

The simulation report 'DP1 Report' has been deleted

Create parametric study#

Create another parametric study by duplicating the current one.

study_2 = study_1.duplicate()
Writing to d211560a7e53:"/project-wqqp7u9_.cffdb/Static_Mixer_main-1-Solve/Static_Mixer_main-1.cas.h5" in NODE0 mode and compression level 1 ...
Grouping cells for Laplace smoothing ...
       22771 cells,     1 zone  ...
      119140 faces,     5 zones ...
       82247 nodes,     1 zone  ...

       Clearing partially read grid.

Reading from d211560a7e53:"/project-wqqp7u9_.cffdb/Static_Mixer_main-1-Solve/Static_Mixer_main-1.cas.h5" in NODE0 mode ...
  Reading mesh ...
       22771 cells,     1 cell zone  ...
          22771 polyhedra cells,  zone id: 97
      119140 faces,     5 face zones ...
         114959 polygonal interior faces,  zone id: 96
           3873 polygonal wall faces,  zone id: 20
            104 polygonal pressure-outlet faces,  zone id: 19
            103 polygonal velocity-inlet faces,  zone id: 18
            101 polygonal velocity-inlet faces,  zone id: 17
       82247 nodes,     1 node zone  ...

        distributing mesh
        bandwidth reduction using Reverse Cuthill-McKee: 11383/862 = 13.2053

Rename new parametric study#

Rename the newly created parametric study.

study_2.rename("New Study")
Studies available [to rename]: ("Static_Mixer_main-1-Solve" "Static_Mixer_main-Solve")
(syncdir "/project-wqqp7u9_.cffdb/Static_Mixer_main-1-Solve/Base DP")Cannot change directory to /project-wqqp7u9_.cffdb/Static_Mixer_main-1-Solve/Base DPCannot change directory to /project-wqqp7u9_.cffdb/Static_Mixer_main-1-Solve/Base DP()

Delete old parametric study#

Delete the old parametric study.

Studies available [to delete]: ("Static_Mixer_main-Solve")
Deleted the Simulation : "Static_Mixer_main-Solve"

Save parametric project and close Fluent#

Save the parametric project and close Fluent.

project_filepath = str(Path(pyfluent.EXAMPLES_PATH) / "static_mixer_study.flprj")

Current working directory is "/project-wqqp7u9_.cffdb"
Project saved successfully at "/home/ansys/.local/share/ansys_fluent_core/examples/static_mixer_study.flprj"

Launch Fluent and read saved project#

Launch Fluent once again and read the previously saved project.

solver_session = pyfluent.launch_fluent(
    precision="double", processor_count=2, mode="solver"
project_filepath_read = str(Path(pyfluent.EXAMPLES_PATH) / "static_mixer_study.flprj")

proj = ParametricProject(

Save current project#

Save the current project.

Save current project as a different project#

Save the current project as a different project.

project_filepath_save_as = str(
    Path(pyfluent.EXAMPLES_PATH) / "static_mixer_study_save_as.flprj"

Export current project#

Export the current project.

project_filepath_export = str(
    Path(pyfluent.EXAMPLES_PATH) / "static_mixer_study_export.flprj"

Archive current project#

Archive the current project.


Close Fluent#

Close Fluent.


Total running time of the script: ( 3 minutes 43.900 seconds)

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery